Joseph Koo Retrospective
多倫多加港協進會會長梁萬邦表示:「我們身在加拿大的香港人,前半生努力工作, 一直在各方面創立不同成就, 也為曾經在香港出生、成長、生活及貢獻為榮,香港樂壇教父顧嘉煇先生就是其中表表者。他用音樂勾劃當時社會的深刻體驗,對時代的憧憬,是陪伴我們成長奮鬥歷程的集體回憶。」
We are delighted to announce that the Canada Hong Kong Alliance (Toronto) (“CHKA”) will be hosting “Canada Hong Kong Week” – a spectacular one-week event in May, which is designated as Asian Heritage Month.
Canada Hong Kong Week will chronicle Hong Kong’s remarkable history and celebrate its past successes, highlight the spirit and determination of Hong Kong people, and showcase Hong Kong’s unique culture and gastronomy.
This event will surely attract the large community of former Hong Kong residents in the Greater Toronto Area, who will come and show their pride, and reminisce about Hong Kong. Moreover, the community at large will be drawn to attend this event in order to learn more about the history and culture of the fascinating city of Hong Kong, which has been described as the “Pearl of the Orient”, the “Gateway to China” and the true embodiment of “East meets West”.
Venue: Market Village
Date: From Sunday, May 24, 2015 to Saturday, May 30, 2015
Sponsor: The Remington Group – Canada Hong Kong Week
Organiser: Canada Hong Kong Alliance (Toronto) – CHKA
Supported by: HKETO, HKTB, HKTDC, City of Markham, HKCBA, RHMCBA