加港協進會第三屆「加拿大香港週」 完滿結束,「風“蘇”雲裳賀加港」閉幕晚會於週五晚假烈治文山市釣魚臺國宴舉行。出席嘉賓包括三級政府官員代表、工商、社區、文化藝術界領袖以至各界友好達1000人。香港著名歌手蘇永康精彩演出,更將氣氛推向高潮。大會當晚並進行募捐,將籌得善款成立首屆獎學金,支持本地大學學者進行加港學術研究。
晚會一如以往由著名主持、烈治文山市議員廖立暉擔任大會司儀。首先由九歲小女孩Melanie Liu領唱國歌為晚會揭開序幕。主辦單位多倫多加港協進會會長梁萬邦、三位晚會共同主席包括劉玉賢、晚會主題贊助皇家銀行代表Judy Lee及何應燊致歡迎辭。榮譽贊助香港經濟貿易辦事處副處長蔡志傑、「香港週」 開幕禮贊助永明金融代表、中國駐多倫多總領事何煒、代表總理杜魯多的聯邦國會議員伍鳳儀、安省國際貿易廳長陳國治亦分別致賀辭。一直大力支持「香港週」 的萬錦市政府,一眾議員亦為座上客。大會更於晚上八時現場直播香港金紫荊廣場升旗儀式,場内一千名嘉賓與身處香港的國家主席習近平及新任行政長官林鄭月娥共同肅立見證歷史一刻。
「風“蘇”雲裳賀加港」以香港時裝及製衣業為主題,一氣呵成的節目為觀衆呈獻一場精彩視覺盛宴。首先由本國原住民大型鼓樂表演,慶賀本國150週年國慶及向原住民文化致敬;緊接著不同舞蹈及本地歌手表演,突顯本國多元文化特色;前香港理工大學紡織及製衣學系講師、萬錦市市議員何胡景講述曾經輝煌多時的香港紡織業及製衣業的演進歷程;再由享譽國際、香港出生的加拿大華裔時裝設計師廖建明Dan Liu介紹自1960年代至今五十年香港流行時裝風潮、漫談時下衣著心得,及率領模特兒展示其剛於「紐約時裝週」 上演的新裝,體現加港文化藝術及創意產業的美好交流。最後由萬衆期待的壓軸表演嘉賓、香港著名歌手蘇永康登場,與觀衆親切互動,並唱出多首其代表作,包括《男人不該讓女人流淚》、《情來自有方》、《越吻越傷心》、《不想獨自快樂》、《那誰》等十多首名曲,猶如迷你演唱會,令全場氣氛高漲。
多倫多加港協進會的宗旨是促進多倫多的香港移民的福祉及加強加港兩地交流, 具體目標如下:
- 促進大多倫多地區來自香港的人士發揮潛能,一展所長,對本地社區和對加拿大作出貢獻。
- 促進加拿大和香港之間的商貿投資、科研合作、體育活動,以及文化、藝術和其他方面的交流。
- 促進加拿大和香港之間的旅遊以及人力資源和人道有關的活動。
- 與來自香港進行活動的訪客、藝術表演團體、非牟利組織、經貿代表團、政府代表、學者、專業人士和學生會面和交流,以及為本地往香港的團體提供旅遊諮詢。
- 促進會員就有關上述宗旨、活動和大家所關注和感興趣的事宜進行交流。
Canada Hong Kong Week 2017 Closing Ceremony
Over 1,000 in Attendance in witness of Live Streaming of
Hong Kong Flag Raising Ceremony and
Establishment of Scholarship for Canada Hong Kong Studies
The 3rd Annual Canada Hong Kong Week held by the Canada Hong Kong Alliance has successfully concluded with the Closing Ceremony Gala held on June 30, 2017 at Premier Ballroom in Richmond Hill. There were over 1,000 guests in attendance including officials from all levels of government as well as prominent leaders from the business, community and artistic spheres. A lively mini concert by renowned Hong Kong singer William So provided the climax of the evening, which also included fundraising for the establishment of scholarship to encourage and award local post-secondary students engaged in Canada Hong Kong studies.
As with previous years, beloved Richmond Hill Councilor Castro Liu was the Master of Ceremonies. The evening began with an endearing performance of the National Anthem by nine-year-old Melanie Liu, after which Gala Co-Chairs David Ho, Loretta Liu and Title Sponsor RBC Royal Bank’s Judy Lee delivered welcome remarks. Thereafter, various speeches were given by Deputy Director Nick Choi of Lead Sponsor Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, MP Mary Ng, Ontario Minister of International Trade MPP Michael Chan, Opening Ceremony Sponsor Sunlife Financial, Consul General He Wei from the Consulate of the People’s Republic of China in Toronto and CHKA President Benedict Leung. Various officials from the City of Markham, which have been strongly supportive of Canada Hong Kong Week since its inception, were also in attendance. At 8:00pm, on-site programs gave way to the live streamed flag raising ceremony from Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia Square which was attended by Chinese President Xi Jingping and HKSAR Chief Executive Carrie Lam. All attendees of the Gala rose and joined in solemn witness of the historic moment.
The exhilarating entertainment of the Gala began with a Native drumming performance as an ode to the indigenous cultures of Canada, which was followed by dancing and singing performances by local artists. The subsequent programming reflected Hong Kong’s fashion and garment industry, which was the theme of Canada Hong Kong Week 2017. Firstly, former Hong Kong Polytechnic University Institute of Textiles and Clothing lecturer and current City of Markham Councilor Alan Ho spoke on the development and success of the Hong Kong textiles and garment manufacturing industry. Then, Hong Kong-born Canadian fashion designer, Dan Liu and his models showcased his designs that were recently featured at New York Fashion Week. Dan Liu then took the audience through the evolution of Hong Kong fashion trends since the 1960s and shared his personal insights on fashion. The finale performance was delivered by special guest performer William So from Hong Kong. The audience was stirred into a frenzy during the long-awaited mini concert that featured more than ten of William So’s most well-known hits.
According to CHKA’s Founder and President Benedict Leung, Chinese Canadians originating from Hong Kong remain highly interested in Hong Kong current events. Although this group has had wide-ranging reactions and opinions to the affairs of our hometown, he is personally pleased to see the actualization of the “one country, two systems” model with a high degree of self-governance and self-determination.
Benedict Leung adds that the Canada Hong Kong Week was created in response to the longings of the community for such an event. Since its inception, it has received widespread support from businesses and the community at large who contributed through their financial backing, and from various individual volunteers who contributed through their time and expertise. His wish is that future Hong Kong Week events will be the platform for Hong Kongers in Canada to reminisce about the past, aspire towards the future, and broaden cultural exchange. Towards the last goal, CHKA raised more than $18,600 to fund a scholarship for local post-secondary students engaged in Canada Hong Kong studies.
Canada Hong Kong Week 2017 began with the Opening Ceremony held at Market Village on June 24, 2017. In addition to performances from local singers and a magic show, renowned Hong Kong geomancy expert Master Sara Cheung delivered her analysis of the economic prospects of Hong Kong. On June 25, 2017, she held a more in- depth geomancy seminar at Pacific Mall and answered questions from the audience. On June 29, 2017, there was an up-
close and personal Meet and Greet session at Splendid China Mall with our featured performer, William So.
In addition, there was a photo exhibit held throughout the entire Canada Hong Kong Week at Market Village and Splendid China Mall. This exhibit featured photos of major news events since the establishment of the HKSAR government 20 years ago. The contents of the photo exhibit have already been featured in nationwide news publications in recent weeks.
To provide and enhance benefits to residents of Toronto with Hong Kong origins and to strengthen the connections between Canada and Hong Kong
- To promote the actualization of potential of residents of Toronto with Hong Kong origins for the purpose of contributing to the local community and the Canadian society as a whole.
- To promote commerce and investment; joint research on science and technology; sports; as well as cultural, artistic and other exchanges between Canada and Hong Kong.
- To promote tourism and activities, flow of human resources and humanitarian activities between Canada and Hong Kong.
- To welcome and exchange ideas with visitors, artistic performers, not for profit organizations, trade organizations, government representatives, scholars, professionals and students from Hong Kong; and to provide travel information about Hong Kong to local travelers.
- To facilitate the dissemination and exchange of information among members on activities related to the above objectives and other matters of their concerns and interests.